And Then There Were 10

Susan blessed our flock with another baby boy last night.  Joey found Mama and Baby out in the field this morning and brought them inside.  Joey finally got to do the umbilical cord and vitamins before he had to leave for work.  Only two ewes left that haven't lambed, Dorothy and Molly.  Dorothy could be any day now too, with the rate the other lambs are popping out.  Molly we are not sure about.  She may not be pregnant or she might lamb in a couple weeks.  We've only been married a month and a week and we already have 4 babies!  (5 if you count Daisy the dog because she is our biggest baby)  Now we have to figure out what to do with all these boys!  3 ram lambs and only 1 ewe.  Hopefully Dorothy has another ewe lamb.
