It's that time of year again. Lambing season will be upon us soon. We have been watching the barn for a few weeks now and waiting for our first lamb of the season. This year we have six ewes and at least five of them should be bred. It has been very cold and windy here on the Midwest plains so I am grateful that we have not had any born during the bad weather of the past few weeks.
It's amazing how quickly the seasons pass and time moves by. Our little one is now a year and a half old! I celebrated my birthday last weekend and have been thinking lately about how fast the years go by and how much all the simple things in life are the best things to celebrate. I've become quite sappy since becoming a mother (although I think I was always quite sentimental about things, now more than ever!)
We have spent most of this winter hibernating and not going out except to work at the library (Levi still comes to work with me every day.) Being stuck inside with a toddler has been very interesting and has led to many creative activities on days we are home. I can't wait for warmer weather so I can get Levi playing outside, although it probably won't do much to improve the toddler tornado decorating scheme I have going on at my house...think of anything and everything floating in the dog's water bowl, stray articles of clothing and toys thrown over the balcony, and food on every surface imaginable.
I hope to keep semi-updated on the blog this year...when I'm not cleaning up throw-up off the dog (poor Jip), wrestling socks onto Levi's feet or endlessly making homemade play-doh and then accidentally leaving it out so it dries and I have to make new play-doh (it's a vicious cycle.)
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