Day Three for the Twins

The twin lambs are still hanging in there.  Joey has been giving both a bottle before work and when he gets home to supplement their mother's milk.  The one that we had in the house Sunday for extra care seems to be doing better than her sister now.  Her name is Winky.  On Sunday, when the twins were born, she had both eyes closed.  By the time we brought her inside because she was so chilled and lethargic, she only had one eye open and the other was closed.  It didn't look like anything was wrong with either eye, and it didn't seem like her eyelashes were bothering her closed eye.  By the end of the night on Sunday, after she had warmed up in the house, her right eye was still not open so we figured she may not open it but she didn't seem to be having any problems.  Yesterday, it looked like she was starting to be able to open the eyelid a crack and this morning it is now completely open!  But her name is still Winky.  

Her sister, who is the smaller of the two, but had more energy on the first day, I dubbed Pinky last night.  She has been taking the bottle and trying to drink from her mother, but she is still very thin.  Last night, she looked so hunched up and cold we decided to take her inside the house for a little bit of the treatment her sister got on Sunday.  Joey held her in his lap and I warmed her with a low setting on the hair dryer.  We tried to give her a little more from the bottle and let her walk around the house for awhile.  Then Joey bundled her up in his coat to take back to her mother for the night.

Yesterday, we let Molly and her January lamb out of their lambing pen in the barn and into the pasture area where they can go in and out of the barn.  Last night, the two other ewes were eating outside of the barn, Molly was laying down in the doorway of the barn and her baby was asleep under the heat lamp inside the barn.  She is doing really well and Molly is a good mother.  

I got a few quick photos of Margaret and the twins this morning before rushing off to work.  Here they are in the makeshift garage lambing pen.  Winky is in front and Pinky is going to look for milk.  Margaret is wearing straw on her head for some reason.

Here's Winky with her right eye open this morning.  She is looking so much better than when we brought her inside on Sunday.  We think she will be o.k. but hopefully she won't bully her sister and take more milk since she is the bigger of the two.

Pinky is behind Margaret, trying to get some milk.  Joey gave her some more milk replacer at 2 am last night and again this morning, but she is still looking rather frail.  You can tell Margaret is not happy I am peeking in at her.  She has quite an attitude.  

When I peeked into the garage this morning, the twins were cuddled up together under the heat lamp, but I couldn't get a picture before Margaret started stomping at me and woke them up.  Hopefully they continue to eat and keep each other warm.  I will keep you updated on their progress.  


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