New Life

Last weekend, we went back to our hometown again for another wedding.  On Saturday morning, as we were leaving town, Joey got a text from the chicken hatchery that said our chicks had been shipped, so we assumed they would be at our post office on Monday.  Saturday evening, at the wedding reception, Joey get a call from the main Peoria post office (about an 1 hr and 20 min. from our house) and that we could pick them up on Sunday.  So we drove home a different route and stopped to pick up our chicks.  The dogs were very curious about the peeping box in the back seat. 

When we opened the box, we counted 27 chicks, all doing well.  10 were for our friends who ordered black and white silkie bantams.  The minimum order was 25 chicks, so we ordered hens to split with other friends and one rooster.  They gave us a free mystery chick (she's the grey-blue one right about the white one) and an extra rooster for free.

We gave each of them a drink of water and put them in a plastic storage tote while we set up a big cardboard box with newspaper in the spare, unfinished bedroom upstairs (where it is nice and warm without a/c!)  Jip watched over them.

We was a little nervous about the little fluff-balls but also curious.  So far, he has been very gentle.  When we had the laying hens in the coop outside, Jip loved to sit outside their run and watch them scratch in the dirt.

Outside, our pumpkins are finally emerging!  The time spent planting each seed by hand has not yet been in waste! I have 750 more seeds waiting for me to plant when I get home from work tonight and then I think we will be almost done with the acre.  Hopefully planting an acre of pumpkins proves to be a profitable scheme.  If not, there may be some punkin chunkin at my place this fall.  
