May Snapshots

Yay! 200 posts!  And now for the pictures of this crazy month of May:

Rhubarb and fresh brown eggs.  Made a delicious strawberry rhubarb crumble.  Yum.

Peonies in bloom.  So gorgeous.

Washing wool in the bathtub...even Jip got in the action.  This is Patrick the Border Leicester's wool.

Straight out of a horror movie...the lagoon of soaking wool.  Makes the bathroom smell like a wet sheep.  And yes, this was a Saturday night.  Wash some wool, go to the bar smelling like sheep, small town Saturday night.  Still marveling that this is our life. :)

Drying wool outside on a makeshift drying rack (really a sleeping cot frame from IKEA)

Joey does this to the dog as well. 

Hi baby face.

Rain barrel

Peas blossoming, snap peas soon!

Talk to you soon...gotta share our new drum carder!
