Coming and Going

Lambwatch 2012: No lambs yet.  Susan has looked ready for a few days, staying away from the other ewes a little, but still no lamb.  And this makes me soooo sad because tomorrow I am leaving for Hawaii for a week.  I know, I know, I shouldn't complain about spending a week in Hawaii, but I'm probably going to miss all the lambs being born.

So, I will be MIA for a week or so, while I visit Maui with my mom and sister.  Joey will be home with the dogs and on lamb duty.  Hopefully he will be a good midwife and none of the sheep will have any problems.  I am leaving the camera at home with him so he can take lots of pictures of this year's lambs and I will use my mom's camera in Hawaii so you can see some sunny beach pictures as well.  

Hope you have a sunny spring week!  Talk to you soon, with lots of new stories and photos to share!


  1. Hope you are having fun in Hawaii!

    Oh, and p.s. check my blog for a little surprise when you get back :)


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